
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2022

Drottning Elizabeth : en biografi (9789177890188)

Första biografin om Elizabeth II på svenska! »En intressant och läsvärd biografi om en drottning som nog de flesta känner till men inte vet så mycket om... Boken är en utmärkt lektion i vår närhistoria och flyhänt skriven.« Ålandstidningen  Elizabeth II var endast 27 år gammal när hon kröntes till drottning av Storbritannien och Nordirland. Under sin tid på tronen har hon upplevt allt från blitzen och andra världskriget till kalla kriget och murens fall. Hon har träffat elva amerikanska presidenter och sett premärministrar som Churchill och Thatcher komma och gå. Nu ger Historiska Media ut den första biografin om Elizabeth II på svenska. Det är ett fängslande porträtt skrivet av den internationellt erkända historikern Sarah Bradford. Hon har tidigare bland annat skrivit en rosad biografi om Georg VI. Elizabeth II:s liv är även aktuellt i den hyllade tv-serien The Crown. I Bradfords helt uppdaterade biografi får vi ta del av drottningens spännande och innehållsrika livsöde, som samtidig...

Benchmarking and self-assessment for parliaments (9781464803277)

With international focus on good governance and parliamentary effectiveness, a standards-based approach involving benchmarks and assessment frameworks has emerged to evaluate parliament's performance and guide its reforms. The World Bank's has been a leader in the development of these frameworks, stewarding a global multi-stakeholder process aimed at enhancing consensus around parliamentary benchmarks and indicators with international organizations and parliaments across the world. The results so far, some of which are captured in this book, are encouraging: countries as diverse as Australia, Canada, Ghana, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Zambia have used these frameworks for self-evaluation and to guide efficiency-driven reforms. Donors and practitioners, too, are finding the benchmarks useful as baselines against which they can assess the impact of their parliamentary strengthening programs. The World Bank itself is using these frameworks to surface the root causes of performance pr...

Emily And The Mystery Of The Pocket Watch : Advanture time travel story, Bedtime story for kids, Help Children and Toddlers Fall Asleep Fast and Have a Peaceful Sleeping and Thrive, short read. (9798648720725)

Do you want a deep story for your kid? A Story to improve his reading skills and learn noble principals in life and discover some of the hystory of the world in a fun and interisting way . a story that helps children and toddlers fall asleep fast and have a peaceful sleeping and thrive (age 10-11-12-13-14).? If yes, then you found the right book for your kids! Stress is just one of those things that all humans cope with, even from a very young age. Kids pick up on stress cues from parents, so if you are feeling stressed and in need of meditation, so is your child. $$$ Grab your copy right now the discount wont last verry long $$$ Product details Format Paperback | 42 pages ...

Ronaldo : A Boy Who Became A Star. Inspiring children book about Cristiano Ronaldo - one of the best soccer players in history. (Soccer Book For Kids) (9781974027248)

Ronaldo: A Boy Who Became a Star This is the inspiring children story of Cristiano Ronaldo, a boy who would become a star. Born in a poor family, the small boy decided to follow his dream, worked hard and overcame all obstacles to become one of the best soccer players in history. Perfect gift for all soccer fans. Perfect illustrated book to teach children to work hard to make their dreams come true. Learn about Ronaldo, and learn how to be successful doing what you love. Get This Book Now and Enjoy the story of Cristiano Ronaldo! Product details Format Paperback | 40 pages Dimensions 203 ...